2012年9月29日 星期六

The Best Yoga Apps: A Comprehensive Review

As a serious Classical Yoga teacher and technology maven, I wanted to do a comprehensive review of Yoga iPhone apps to weed out the best from the rest and hopefully give yogis some insight into the differing types of iPhone apps available.

我直接在 iTunes App Store 中搜尋關鍵字YOGA(瑜伽),並下載每一個免費的(Yoga App)瑜伽應用程序。在看完這些免費的(Yoga App)瑜伽應用程序之後,我開始下載付費的應用程序,開始尋找每一個我能找到的(Yoga App)瑜伽應用程序,並對這些應用程式作了一個快速判斷以及這個應用程式的評論。最後,我完成了約60個iPhone應用程序的測試!列在這裡的是這些應用程式中最好的一些軟體,以及一些需要特別注意的軟體。
I started by typing in "Yoga" into the iTunes App Store, and  downloaded every free Yoga app available. After looking into those iPhone apps for a time, I proceeded to the paid apps, looking into each one I saw and made a quick judgement about how relevant it might be for this set of reviews. As a result, I ended up with around 60 iPhone apps! Here are the best of them, and some to watch out for.

注:這裡面我包括一些普拉提的應用程式,這次的測試報告我也只包含英文版本的iPhone應用程序。因此就算有一些應用程序似乎很不錯,我也無法把他們包含進來作正確的評估。例如,日本的空間瑜伽(Space Yoga)就有許多iPhone應用程序,我也很感興趣
NOTE: I included some Pilates apps here and I only included iPhone apps in this review that were in English. Even though some apps seemed worthwhile, I couldn't rightly include them. For example, Space Yoga has many iPhone apps in Japanese I was interested in.

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